Used Honda Ridgeline vs. Used Toyota Tacoma
If you’re struggling to choose between the used Honda Ridgeline vs. used Toyota Tacoma, we don’t blame you! Both vehicles are tough and powerful, with plenty of fantastic features to enjoy. However, both models also offer different advantages that may sway you one way or the other. Let’s take a deeper dive into the two to see if you’re better off with the used Honda Ridgeline or the used Toyota Tacoma for sale for sale at Major World.
The Adventurous Toyota Tacoma
Let’s start with the Toyota Tacoma. This pickup truck was built with the traditional body-on-frame design like most tough trucks on the market today. This is no surprise, since the Tacoma is well-known for its durability and resilience on the road.
If you’re looking for an off-road adventure, you’re in good hands with this pre-owned Toyota. The Tacoma has a generous ground clearance of 9.4 inches, which means you’re good to go while driving through overgrown trails and rocky roads. Plus, this powerhouse has a towing capacity of up to 6,800 pounds!
The Tech-Savvy Honda Ridgeline
If you’re less of an outdoorsman and more of a tech aficionado, you might seek out a used Honda Ridgeline for sale in Long Island City. Though the Honda Ridgeline is also a pickup truck, it has a body-on-frame construction that is more similar to an SUV or crossover. This creates a smoother and more comfortable performance that you might prefer for your everyday errands.
While it’s not quite as adventure-ready as the off-road powerhouse Tacoma, the Ridgeline has plenty of advantages of its own. It has an in-bed truck storage compartment and a two-way rear tailgate, while the Tacoma does not. Plus, the Ridgeline introduced Android Auto and Apple CarPlay much earlier than the Tacoma so you might find more tech options available if you decide to opt for a used Honda!
Take Your Test Drive Today at Major World
Whether you want a used Honda for sale or a used Toyota for sale, Major World has the options you”â„¢ll need to find the perfect pre-owned truck. We’re just a short drive from Bronx or Jersey City, so you can drop by today to get behind the wheel of your favorite model! Both the Honda and Toyota brands offer a wide variety of benefits, and our team can help you understand them all when you come in for a test drive. And while you’re here, you can also compare the Toyota Camry vs. the Nissan Altima and the Honda Pilot vs. Toyota Highlander. For even further information, find out which is the best brand between Toyota and Honda, and pit the Toyota Tacoma against the Nissan Frontier!