Why You Should Think About Purchasing A Used Car
Stats are showing that a majority of vehicle buyers spend around 59% of their time browsing online. Most luxury car dealerships in the NY and NJ area, like our team at Major World, make it easy for customers to see our full range of inventory, which definitely includes used cars. If you often shrug at the idea of settling for a second hand vehicle, we implore you to give it a second thought for many reasons. Here are some benefits that we thought were the most compelling and why it should fuel your motivation for purchasing a used car.
#1- Avoiding Depreciation
Vehicles usually experience the most severe depreciation in the first 2-3 years of its use. It means that if you buy a used car, you can avoid the loss of money that results from the depreciation. Should you decide to resell in the next few years, it’s possible to get close to the same amount you bought it.
#2- Less Cost
Depending on how well you shop at luxury car dealerships in the NY and NJ area, you could pick up a used car at half the price of a new car, and the finance options could even be more diverse in their offerings. A lower price means you will clear the car debt in less time, and the financing costs will also be less. Used cars are known to incur less insurance premiums. Translating to more savings for you, which means you can put your assets and leveraging ability to good use.
#3- A Well-Inspected Vehicle
One type of used car is a certified pre-owned vehicle. It is often your best bet when buying late-models. A certified pre-owned vehicle will be thoroughly inspected, refurbished, and of course, certified by the certifying body. Whatever it means, all you will need to know is that the vehicle that will soon be in your possession is in more than just working condition. Moreover, you will receive an extended warranty and additional benefits such as special financing.
#4- Fewer Fees
Apart from costing less, used cars come with less additional fees (shipping and destination fees) than other vehicles. You will only need to part with the usual costs necessary to operate a vehicle, like titles and registration fees. It makes purchasing these types of cars affordable for first-time owners or for those who are purely seeking a means of mobility.
#5- Lasting Longer
If driving, say, an old, worn van is your biggest concern, then you will have no reason to worry. Technological advancements have facilitated the creation of long-lasting cars. Modern cars will last more than ten years of driving and remain in good condition (assuming that they employ the proper maintenance when needed). Say, for example, you purchase a 3 year old car. Give or take, you can expect to get the most out of it for another seven years, to truly benefit your investment. Maintenance will remain the quintessential component here.
#6- Easy To Access The Vehicle’s Report
The biggest risk with buying used vehicles is buying one that has been to the garage, too many times. And usually, this is for the wrong reasons. Fortunately, you can easily request the car’s report from the car dealership. In the event that they don’t have one at the ready, you will be directed to a reliable source to obtain what you need. The report is meant to shed light on issues of concern. It will indicate the number of previous owners, accident and repair history, mileage validation, amongst other things. It is imperative to request a used car’s report before making a purchase.
#7- You Can Drive A Better Model
Being open to the idea of purchasing a used car opens the floor for a sizable range of possibilities. You have the luxury of riding the car of your dreams, which will have a lower markup if it’s used. The saved up money can also be used to add classy details to the used vehicle, making it look new and eye-catching. In the end when it’s all said and done, you can end up with a better car than what your budget would allow if you focused on new cars.
Major World: The Pinnacle Of Luxury Car Dealerships In The NY and NJ Area
Most of us can relate to the joy of the smell and feel of a new car. We get it, it’s a nice feeling, but you can get another kind of luxury with purchasing a used car as well! Visit our team at Major World today to glean inspiration from our current line-up. We are confident that you will walk out with the car of your dreams, upon your first visit. We pride ourselves on being one of the top luxury car dealerships in the NY and NJ area. Contact Us Today